Ok someone kinda liked me back

I met a dude online we seemed to have some shit in common. He seemed nice. I thought there was something there. As usual in my mind i was walking down the aisle in my white overalls and veil. I was happy with the dude but i guess he wasn’t happy with me. True I really pestered the dude but I thought he felt the same way. He smelt really good and he had really curly hair. He was somewhat shy. I just finished watching my mad fat diary season 1 episode 2 and now im pretty sure he is gay af. At least I hope he is gay as fuck or maybe I just have a shit personality. Maybe I am controlling I thought I was giving him advice to be a better person but idk maybe not. We sat by the river one time and watched the ducks swim past I felt invincible more than that I felt peace. The stars had aligned and there was peace. There was more joy in my heart than ever before.

The more I think about it he kinda looked like an alien with his big ass head. How dare the little bitch reject me not once, not twice, but four times. How dare I be so stupid to beg for shit. Wow this dude walked all over me and lied with the ” it’s not you its me” bull shit. What the fuck does that shit mean? Dear ladies and gentlemen if there is something wrong with a bitch tell her so she can make some fucking improvements. The alien  bitch was apparently lost in life and I’m wondering how are you lost in life when you have google maps and free wifi ?? Honestly I’m glad that weak ass bitch isn’t in my life. Yes I sound bitter but do you know how much self doubt and depression I have had since he officially rejected me? Well I don’t enjoy suffering so I’m going to let everyone know  my pain.

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